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- Joao Francisco Nunes Pinheiro, Esteban Municio, Christiaan Leysen, Johann M. Marquez-Barja, “ORCHESTRA 2.0: Enhancing a multi-access solution to address 5G challenges“. IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC2021). pp 1-4. January, 2021. Las Vegas, United States of America.
- J. F. N. Pinheiro, “LTE Platform for Experimentation”, Bachelor’s Thesis. Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil, 2019.
- PINHEIRO, J. F. N.; , SANTANA JÚNIOR, E. M. S. ; MACIEL, T. F. . RaspBed: a low cost experimentation platform based on Raspberry Pi for wireless communication studies. In: XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT 2019), 2019, Petrópolis, Brazil. 2019.
- P. Marques et al., “Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems – an experimental approach” in 2018 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD) (IEEE CAMAD 2018), Barcelona, Spain, 2018.
- A. Silva, B. Abreu, E. B. Silva, M. Carvalho, M. Nunes, M. A. Marotta, A. Hammad, J. F. N. Pinheiro, C. B. Both, J. M. Marquez-Barja, L. DaSilva, and C. F. M. e Silva, “Impact of Fog and Cloud Computing on an IoT Service Running over an Optical/Wireless Network Testbed” in 2017 IEEE INFOCOM International Workshop on Computer and Networking Experimental Research Using Testbeds (CNERT 17), Atlanta, USA, 2017.
- A. Silva, B. Abreu, E. B. Silva, M. Carvalho, M. Nunes, M. A. Marotta, A. Hammad, C. F. M. e Silva, J. F. N. Pinheiro, C. B. Both, J. M. Marquez-Barja, and L. DaSilva, “Demo Abstract: Assessing the Impact of Fog and Cloud Computing on an IoT Service Running over an Optical/Wireless Network – An Experimental Approach” in 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Poster and Demo (INFOCOM17 Poster/Demo) (2017 INFOCOM Poster and Demo), Atlanta, USA, 2017.